All K-I-C-K mods are available in section as well as PURE1.11 mod which is bundled within KMS2 and BecomePrey AI for this mod.

Artifical Intelligence (AI):

BecomePreyAI v2.92 for Warzone 1.10 - BecomePrey 2.92 is 1.10 compatible. This archive contains full "multiplay\skirmish" folder complatible with any current WZ build and many mods for original WZ.

WZS2-BecomePreyAI v2.92 for Warzone 1.10 - BecomePrey 2.92 is 1.10 compatible. This is for WZS2. Unpack archive directly to WZS folder.

Our maps:

RiverShore (2) - this map was developed for BecomePrey 2.11 testing and player's tactics training. This map is the "home" of BecomePrey2 and although it's only for 2 players, AI will put up a serious fight.

Programs,Utils and Patches:

WARZONE 2100 Combopatch - This patch will update clean installation of Warzone2100 to version 1.10 (no-cd with full color cursors) with BP2.92 set as default AI. KMS2 is included with 1.11 and PURE1.11 bundled (use unload mod to activate them) and two mods (BP2.92-PURE111 and KICK1.13). It will also include 1.10 tech tree in your WZ folder. Enjoy ;) .

WARZONE.EXE 1.10c patch - you may or may not download my unofficial update of Warzone.exe version 1.10 (1.11 use the same file!). This fix can add colored cursors normally available only for 3DFX users even to D3D or Software mode and as an added benefit you don't need CD to play WZ with this patch.

VSC (VLO&SLO Compiler) v2.50 - this program has been developed for writing AI scripts. It's the only thing you need. Your work will be up to 800% faster!!! This version has few new handy functions and is 100% safe!!! All 1024 resolution problems fixed (script couldn't compile before)